Joseph Goebbels on Kristallnacht From the Diary of Joseph Goebbels. Source : Der Spiegel 13 July 1992 10 November 1938 I reported to the Fuehrer and he decides: the demonstrations should be allowed to continue. The police should retreat. Let the Jews get a taste of popular anger. He is right. I immediately instructed the party and police accordingly. Then I gave a short speech along these lines to the Party leadership. Loud applause. Everybody goes to the telephones. Now the people is going to act…. I wish to return to my hotel, and see a glow as red as blood. The synagogue is burning.… We only put out the fires when they endanger adjacent buildings. If not, they should be burned to the ground.… Reports come from all over the Reich. 50 synagogues, then 70 are on fire. The Fuehrer ordered 20-30 thousand Jews to be arrested.… Public anger is running wild.… They have to be given the possibility to vent their rage.… Driving to the hotel, windows are being smashed. Bravo, bravo. The synagogues burn like big old huts. There is no danger to German property. For the time being there is nothing more to be done.… 13 November 1938 Conference with Goering about the Jewish question. Fierce battles about the solution. I represent a radical point of view. Funk is a little soft and lenient. Result: a contribution of one billion will be imposed on the Jews. They will be pushed out of economic life shortly.... A series of other measures is being planned. At any rate, it is going to be a tabula rasa from now on. Goering and I work wonderfully well together. He also acts with determination. The radical view has won.